What We're Doing

The United States has become a polarized country. Americans increasingly view their political opponents as misguided or — worse — as evil, deluded and dangerous. Many of us have lost the ability to listen to and find common ground with people who disagree with us politically.

Braver Angels is a nationwide bipartisan citizens’ movement started in 2016 by a small group of conservatives and liberals who were alarmed by the venom and rancor they were seeing in the political public space. Braver Angels is dedicated to bringing red and blue Americans together in a working alliance to depolarize America.

The San Francisco Bay Area is playing an important role in this nationwide effort. Braver Angels Alliances have been established in cities throughout the region, and we are sponsoring free-of-charge events to build bridges between reds and blues in our local communities. Some of our events include: Red/Blue Workshops, Debates, and Skills Development Sessions.

To learn more about the San Francisco Bay Area Braver Angels alliances, check out our upcoming events, and sign up to be on our mailing list.

On the national level, Braver Angels offers many great podcasts and learning tools to help depolarize the country. Learn more about Braver Angels National.

All of our workshops are free. Braver Angels, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and our mission is to depolarize America. We invite you to consider a gift to Braver Angels; all donations are tax deductible. Your support will allow us to offer more workshops and debates with the ultimate goal of uniting America.